Clinvest Friend Referral Sweepstakes

If you’re on this page, it’s because your friend wants to help you get the latest treatment in diabetes, migraine, or arthritis.

Welcome to the first step.

Complete the form to get connected with a Clinvest treatment specialist AND you will also be entered for our grand prize drawing!

Interested in learning more?

Referral Sign-up

¿Desea recibir las actualizaciones de los estudios?

Al pulsar el botón "Enviar", usted acepta, mediante su firma electrónica, las condiciones de uso y la política de privacidad, y acepta que nuestros socios y/o afiliados puedan ponerse en contacto con usted por el número de teléfono y correo electrónico indicados anteriormente en relación con su consulta (incluso a través de mensajes de comerciales utilizando medios automatizados como la marcación automática, mensajes de texto y pregrabados). Usted entiende que no se necesita su consentimiento para que podamos contactarlo para participar. Es posible que se apliquen tarifas de mensajes/datos.

Check Out the Prizes

Choose your prize—worth up to $500 in value!

If your name is drawn, you'll be given the opportunity to select one of the following prizes! We will draw 2 Grand Prize winners before the end of 2025.

  • Alamo Drafthouse private movie viewing for you and your friends
  • 4 Wonders of Wildlife Aquarium tickets + 1 additional "encounter" for your group:
    • Penguin Encounter
    • Out to Sea Feeding Frenzy
    • Out to Sea Shark Dive
  • Spa Day at Acacia Spa
  • Getaway with a night at Big Cedar Lodge, up to $500 credit
  • Brand new kayak or canoe
  • $500 American Airline Voucher
  • A night on the Trolly Bike for you & 12 friends
  • Dinner at The Mill in Ozark, MO
  • Night at Andy B’s

All the fine print:

  1. If your name is drawn, you'll be given the opportunity to select one prize from the list above! We will announce one winner in June 2025 and a second winner December 2025.
  2. By filling out this form, you agree to be contacted by Clinvest Research about this contest and your potential participation in a study.
  3. No purchase is necessary. You are entered simply by filling out this form and completing a pre-study qualification phone call.
  4. The referrer must be a current or former Clinvest Research contact. Each friend counts as another entry, which increases your odds of winning the grand prize AND an additional $20 per person referred. Each person can refer up to 5 friends. For every friend that enrolls in a study, you can refer another 5 friends.
  5. The $20 will be given to the referrer (Clinvest patient) via a payment card. The referrer may have to come to the Clinvest office for payment.
  6. In order to qualify, your name must be mentioned by your friend when they sign up.
  7. If you become a Clinvest patient, you will become eligible to refer friends and receive the $20 referral perk plus additional entries for the giveaway.