The Impact of Migraine on Mental Health

June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. The theme of this year is Educate Yourself, Educate Others. The impact of migraine on the lives that suffer from them stretches beyond the physical symptoms. We feel it is important to understand the connection between mental health challenges and migraine so that we can end the stigma and seek the help we need. In addition, if someone you know is dealing with migraines, the first step is seeking understanding so that you can help support them with empathy.

The Mental Health and Migraine Connection

Migraine is a neurological condition that affects many people across the globe, and while the immediate symptoms are physically disabling, the pain can also take a toll on one’s mental health. A strong correlation exists between migraines and some mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Studies have shown that people with migraines are up to five times more likely to develop depression than those without migraines, and they are also more likely to have anxiety and panic attacks.

A Cause and a Symptom of Migraines

Unfortunately, mental health challenges can both be a cause and a symptom of migraines and it can feel almost like a never-ending cycle. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be triggers for migraines, whereas migraine pain can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Migraine pain and fatigue can make it difficult to work, take care of family and friends, or participate in daily activities. This can compound the stress and anxiety that people with migraine already feel.

Addressing Mental Health in Migraine Treatment

Addressing mental health concerns can be an integral part of your journey to managing migraines. It is important to know that you are not alone, and seeking support is important.

If you suffer from migraines, we encourage you to have an open and honest conversation with your care provider about any mental health concerns you may have.  A holistic approach can be provided to treatment that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of migraine.

There are various effective treatment options available that can help you manage both your physical and mental health symptoms. Medication, in addition to cognitive therapy, can be beneficial in helping you understand and cope with the emotional impact of migraines.

Techniques like biofeedback can teach you how to control your body’s response to stress and pain, giving you a sense of empowerment. Lifestyle changes, such as incorporating regular exercise, practicing good sleep hygiene, and maintaining a balanced diet, can also contribute to your overall well-being and potentially reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

We Want to Help

If you or someone you know suffer from migraine and headaches, you are probably all too well aware of the impact of this debilitating condition on both physical and mental health. The more you understand about this condition, the more you can advocate for yourself and others and end the stigma surrounding mental health and migraines. Remember, you are not alone.

Many of the staff at Clinvest Research experience migraine attacks and know firsthand how they can have a big impact on quality of life. It is one small part of the reasons we are passionate about discovering new treatment options. If you are ready to explore migraine options, we may be able to help. We aim to see you take back your life from migraine and live your best life. Every study is a step towards a brighter future, and we believe your best is yet to come.